to more exciting matters. Fall television! The top five new shows I am most excited
about, in ascending order, so leaving the best for last. I realize that at
least one, if not more, of these is going to be a disaster, and let me down a
great deal. But right now anything is possible. It’s like the day before
Christmas when you’re a kid. Anything could be under that tree, ANYTHING! And
then the day after, you’re surrounded by shitty gifts like socks and
store-brand Cabbage Patch Kids with wonky eyes and you ate too much candy so
you feel gross but the day before is the BEST, right?
you’re going to be able to tell (if you didn’t already know) by reading this
list that I’m a huge geek. These shows are all filled with geekery. Two
fantasy, one sci-fi, one horror, and one mystery which stars the goddess of
geekdom herself. So if you don’t want to read this as a “shows I’m stoked
about” post, read it as a “geeks, these are shows MADE FOR US!” list. I’m down
with that.
Most Anticipated New
Fall Television Shows
Once Upon
a Time
(10/23/11, ABC)
A mystery series where fairy tale characters live in a parallel world on our
Earth where they don’t remember their true identities or lives.
Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Paula Marshall, Raphael Sbarge, Giancarlo
Esposito, and some other people I don’t know
before you say “this is going to SUCK!”, I love fairy tales, I love retellings
and reimaginings of canonical stories, and I love fantasy series. Yes, I am
aware this is probably going to be awful. It’s on ABC, which is worrisome.
Sure, they brought us Lost – but
they’re kind of hit-or-miss with things. Does anyone remember (I bet you don’t
– IT WAS THAT BAD) Happy Town? It
started with such promise and it was SO STUPID. ABC just let it trail off and
you had to watch the last couple episodes online (and if you did, you left your
computer stupider for it – the ending was ridiculous.) So yes, this could be
awful. Also, Ginnifer Goodwin worries me, because I don’t like her acting much.
But I think the premise is kind of awesome! It shows promise! I think there are
a lot of places you could go with this, and so many fairy tales to mine from,
that you could have story arcs for years to come, if it takes off! Yes, yes, I
know, odds are VERY good it won’t. But I’m hopeful. Day before Christmas,
also worrisome that this is debuting in October. That can’t be a good sign.
Grimm (10/21/11, NBC)
A detective learns he is descended from hunters whose job is to protect
humanity from fairy tale creatures loose in our world. (Um. Hmm. This is…a
little derivative of Supernatural?
But I love Supernatural. And Supernatural’s ending soon. So I’m cool
with that, to some extent.)
No one I’ve ever heard of. Could be a good thing, could be a bad thing.
both excited and trepidatious about this. It looks fun! It’s on a major
network! It’s got a fairy-tale angle, which as discussed above, I love!
However. Stealing from Supernatural
is a bit of a dick move. It could be completely different, but the “hunter”
thing? Supernatural. The creatures? Supernatural. So I’m excited, but I’m
going to wait and see. It’s still in my top five, because it has a lot of
things that excite me. But I’m going to hang back before I throw myself at the
feet of this one.
like a weird fit for NBC. If this is another Persons Unknown debacle, I’m going to be pissed. (Tell me someone
other than me watched that nonsense last summer. Wasn’t it so awful? I kept
waiting to either care about one of the characters or for something to make
sense. Neither happened. I wanted ten minutes alone in a cage with one of the
writers.) Also debuting in October. What’s with that?
Terra Nova (9/26/11, FOX)
in America of the future, a family travels, via time machine, back to the age
of the dinosaurs to start a new life
Jason O’Mara (yum!), Stephen Lang, Landon Liboiron from Life Unexpected, and other people I haven’t heard of; produced by
Stephen Spielberg. Also starring lots of dinosaurs. BAM I SAID DINOSAURS.
is probably on a lot of people’s short lists. I’m excited, but probably not as
excited as most people. Here’s my worry – is it going to end up like Land of the Lost? Because I don’t think
I could handle that. When I was a kid, Land
of the Lost was on reruns Saturday mornings and it was SO STUPID. Also, I
get the theme song stuck in my head at inappropriate moments even now, thirty
years later, and I find myself singing “the laaaand…of the loooost….” and
that’s kind of upsetting. Probably this will be better and Jurassic Park-like, right? But not Jurassic Park 2. That was awful, despite Vince Vaughn who I love.
(Yes, I know he’s kind of a goofball. I don’t know why I love him. The heart
wants what it wants.)
should be good. Stephen Spielberg! Jason O’Mara! Or could be awful. Green
screen acting! I am excited – it’s a huge sci-fi undertaking and is costing a
lot of money and if it’s good, it will be very, very good – but also a little
scared it’s going to be awful. But if it’s awful, it might be REALLY awful.
Like, laugh-out-LOUD awful. Which is good in its own way, too.
Horror Story
(10/5/11, FX)
A family moves into a haunted home in California.
Connie Britton, Dylan McDermott, Jessica Lange, Frances Conroy, Denis O’Hare,
ZACHARY EFFING QUINTO, and it’s produced by Ryan Murphy, mofos
is so exciting I might pee my pants. Let me list the awesomeness, ready? It’s
horror. That, first and foremost, wins me over. It’s on FX, so the special
effects will be better, as will (probably) the writing. (Terriers was so good that I cried during the final episode, not
because it was good – it was – but because it was being cancelled. And don’t
get me started on the awesomeness of Justified
and my cowboy boyfriend Raylan Givens.) The cast is kind of amazeballs, no?
Jessica Lange? Denis O’Hare? SYLAR? Sylar’s going to be in this? I mean, you
could put Sylar in pretty much anything and I’d watch it, so there’s that. Ryan
Murphy, who (this past season of Glee
aside) is kind of television magic?
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I am very, very, very, times fifty very’s, excited about this. The fact that it’s
starting in October isn’t as disturbing to me because it’s FX. Cable networks
have different rules. They’re loners, Dottie. They’re rebels. Watch this
because I’m going to want to discuss it with people and if no one’s watching
it, it will be cancelled and I’ll be blue.
Ringer (9/13/11, CW)
A mystery series in which a twin impersonates her supposedly dead sister.
Oh, I don’t know. No one that exciting. Nestor Carbonell, a.k.a. “Eyeliner
Dude,” from Lost. Kristoffer Polaha
from Life Unexpected. OH WAIT ALSO
JASON DOHRING. Excuse me for a minute, I think I just lost my shit and have to
go find it again. There it is. AND ALSO SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR. My shit is
officially lost and gone forever.
I know I’ve mentioned time and time and TIME again how much I love Buffy. But
have I mentioned my obsession with Veronica
Mars? Like, watched each episode over and over, chatted in chatrooms,
emailed people theories, loved Veronica
Mars. JASON DOHRING IS IN THIS SHOW. You know about Logan Echolls, right? If
you don’t, please immediately rectify this situation by getting Seasons One and
Two of Veronica Mars. You can get
Season Three, afterwards, because you’ll want to know what happens. It’s not as
good, but it’s still ok. Jason Dohring played my favorite bad boy on television
for three years, and I will love him for the rest of his (and my) life for
and also Sarah Michelle Gellar is in this. I mean, I was already perma-squeeing
about this when it was announced, due to Buffy having a new show. But then
Jason Dohring. That is like the perfect pairing, really.
plot – well, it’s been done. But I’m willing to give that a pass. It’s got
potential. And with the two of them – um, LOGAN ECHOLLS YOU GUYS LOGAN ECHOLLS.
Sorry. You really have to understand – Logan Echolls. Logan “I thought our
story was epic, you know? You and me?” Echolls. Logan “Dream on, Jump Street,
I’m not leaving you alone with her” Echolls. I would watch Jason Dohring in
anything. (I actually did. I watched every single episode of that piss-poor
vampire garbage show Moonlight
because he was in it, and that shit was PAINFUL. But Jason Dohring!)
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LOGAN ECHOLLS. If you don't love him, you are missing part of your SOUL. |
and also Sarah Michelle Gellar. This show has geek cred. I think a lot of geeks
are lining up for this one. And it starts TOMORROW. This is very exciting. I am
already planning my evening around this.
happy fall viewing! Let’s do a recap halfway through and see where we stand,
ok? I bet something gets cancelled after only a couple of episodes. That’s
always my favorite. I love a good crash-and-burn.
Eeee! Thank you for the reminder about "Ringer". Must set up the TiVo now while I'm thinking of it.
ReplyDeleteI hope "Grimm" does well. I'm with you on the lack of confidence in "Once Upon A Time".
What don't you like about Jennifer Goodwin? I think she's pretty cute- but yeah can be annoying... I saw a screener of Terra Nova at comic-con and I'm on the fence still. It seems they're always trying to come up with a new Lost and you just can't... throw in Dinosaurs? Recipe for disaster but we shall see...
ReplyDeleteRinger seems pretty interesting as do the fairy tale shows... putting it all on the DVR.
This is foolish of me, but I have a hard time separating characters from actors. I never much liked Ginnifer Goodwin (annoying, one-note) but then she started dating Chris Klein, who I DETEST and who made some really horrible woman-hating comments while she dated him and she didn't dump him. Katie Holmes had just broken up with him; all of a sudden, Goodwin had a makeover where she looked like Holmes. I lost a lot of respect for her, and since I can't separate actors/characters, I have trouble watching her in anything. I know. Silly.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's a far thing from my hating Wagner's music because he was a Nazi-sympathizing antisemite. I mean... sure, The Ring Cycle is one of the best operas ever written, I suppose, but I just cannot bring myself to actually like it. You know... cause... Nazis.
ReplyDeleteI just lost the argument, I know.